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Tiffany & Co. 15 Surprising Things.

Tiffany & Co. 15 Surprising Things.

Crazy About Tiffany’s tells the 179-year story of the world’s most iconic jewelry company that’s influenced everyone from Steve Jobs to President Obama.

Here are 15 things you probably didn’t know about America’s favorite jeweler.


Charles Lewis Tiffany 1. Established in 1837

Founded by Charles Lewis Tiffany and John B. Young, their first venture store called Young and Ellis first sold stationery and “fancy goods.” Tiffany took over the company in 1853, renaming it Tiffany & Company and decided to focus primarily on jewelry.


Empress Eugenie de Montijo2. Tiffany’s blue color was inspired by an empress

The wife of Napoleon III, Empress Eugenie de Montijo was the biggest fashion icon of the 19th century. When Charles Tiffany saw the above portrait of her, he knew that the shade of blue in her gown would become wildly popular. He decided to make it the official color for Tiffany’s brand.


Pantone No. 18373. Pantone No. 1837

The robin’s egg blue color, officially called Pantone number 1837, used for the Tiffany boxes and bags, was named for the year Tiffany went into business.


America’s first mail order catalog4. America’s first mail order catalog

Known as the “blue book,” Charles Tiffany created it in 1845. Many other brands followed suit.


Suppliers of the Union Army in the Civil War5. Suppliers of the Union Army in the Civil War

Starting in 1862, Tiffany & Company was the go-to supplier of swords, surgical implements and flags for the boys in blue.


Charles Tiffany invented the engagement ring6. Charles Tiffany invented the engagement ring

In 1886, Tiffany decided he would lift the diamond up, above the band, and market it as an engagement ring. Soon, every woman in America wanted one.

New York Yankees stole the “NY” logo from Tiffany’s7. New York Yankees stole the “NY” logo from Tiffany’s

In 1877, Tiffany & Company created a police medal of honor for a New York police officer with an interlocking “N” and “Y.” The Yankees ditched the American flag top hat symbol for the “NY” instead.


President Lincoln gave Mary Todd a Tiffany set8. President Lincoln gave Mary Todd a Tiffany set

Seen in the photo above, Mrs. Lincoln wore this set of seeded pearls to her husband’s inauguration.


Peretti’s bottle pendant 9. Peretti’s bottle pendant may have been for holding drugs

Created in the 1970s, Elsa Peretti claimed this pendant was perfect for holding a flower. With cocaine’s popularity on the rise, however, some think she really intended it to be a drug vial.


Steve Jobs was inspired by Tiffany’s designs10. Steve Jobs was inspired by Tiffany’s designs

In the above photo, Apple founder Steve Jobs is seen at home in a nearly empty living room. Other than his record player, the only thing he deemed worthy of his abode was a Tiffany lamp.


Made history with gay marriage ad11. Made history with gay marriage ad

This ad was part of the “Will you?” campaign from 2015.


The Obamas gave Queen Elizabeth vintage Tiffany’s12. The Obamas gave Queen Elizabeth vintage Tiffany’s

To celebrate the Queen of England’s Diamond Jubilee, President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle gave Her Highness this vintage Tiffany’s compact from the 1950s.


Breakfast at Tiffany's13. Breaking For Breakfast

The iconic movie Breakfast at Tiffany's marked the first time filming was allowed inside the store.


the Great Seal of the United States14. Making History

Tiffany redesigned the Great Seal of the United States during the 1880s, a design which is now on the back of the dollar bill.


The Tiffany yellow diamond15. Major Sparkle

The Tiffany yellow diamond is one of the largest yellow diamonds ever discovered. It weighed 287 carats when it was discovered and was cut to 129 carats before being set.


Source: She Knows

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